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5 Reasons to Update Your Financial Plan Thumbnail

5 Reasons to Update Your Financial Plan

Many people find it difficult to plan for their financial future.  We understand how common of a concern this is and have made it our goal to solve this problem.  Thankfully, improvements to technology have made it easier than ever before for us to help clients formulate their financial plan and manage their resources accordingly.  

2020 has been a year of great uncertainty and change.  The COVID-19 crisis has challenged the way most people do business and upset our most regular routines.  This is also a wonderful opportunity to take a step back and focus on getting our financial house in order.   In our experience as CFP®s working with clients, we have found that there are many reasons to update your financial plan.  Here is a list of our top 5: 

1.   Planning takes away stress

Sometimes simply not knowing can cause us stress.  It is easy with busy life to become unorganized with our financial matters.  This often leads to a cluttered form of decision-making.  We help you to organize your accounts and provide a framework to understanding how they work together can really lift this burden.  

2.   Planning helps you to clarify and achieve your goals

Without a plan in place, most people don’t have a clear idea of what retirement will look like for them, or if their expectations are even realistic.  Funding college for kids can also be overwhelming with all of the options and increasing costs.  Having a financial plan can help to clarify these goals and put you a realistic path to achieving them with a higher chance of success.  

3.   Planning frames important choices

Life is about making difficult choices and learning about trade offs.  We are trained are to help provide clarity to your options and make the most of them.  These include decisions including what type of retirement account to fund, investment choices and strategy, what type of insurance to purchase, debt management and dealing with finances in your family.  

4.   Planning helps address important risks

There are always risks in life, and we help you identify which risks should be addressed with insurance.  Determining what type and how much of the various insurances can be difficult (life, disability, long term care, umbrella, property and casualty, etc.).  Having a sound financial plan can help mitigate these risks to your and your loved ones in a responsible way you can feel good about. 

5.   Planning provides you with greater life satisfaction

It is our philosophy that when you have a greater sense of purpose, you have a higher life satisfaction.  Having a CFP® by your side helping you with your financial planning can assist you in finding the purposes that are most important to you.  When you are able to achieve your goals and realize your dreams, we enjoy seeing our clients have a greater sense of satisfaction and quality of life.  

If we can be of service to you or your family, please don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule a complimentary call.  Most of our clients come from referrals from existing satisfied clients, and we would consider it a great honor to serve you as your fiduciary. 

The commentary is informational in nature and not intended to imply a specific strategy or course of action. Investment advice and recommendations are only provided according to each individual’s personal circumstances. Chancellor Wealth Management is an investment advisor firm registered pursuant to the laws of the state of Georgia. The firm is also registered to conduct business in the states of South Carolina and Texas.   This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information, and provided by Twenty Over Ten. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security.  Copyright © 2020 Chancellor Wealth Management, All rights reserved.