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Should I refinance my mortgage? Thumbnail

Should I refinance my mortgage?

Is now a good time to refinance my mortgage?  

With mortgage rates dropping to historic lows, this maybe something you have thought about recently.  Answering this question and choosing the right structure -can be complicated.  Refinancing might help lower your monthly payment, pay off your house sooner, make that addition you have been wan, or help consolidate other debts.  While we are not in the mortgage business, we do keep up with the rates for our clients.  As CFP’s, we believe it is helpful to know what your overall financial plan is before making these decisions.  We specialize in creating customized personal financial plans for our clients using world class technology that can be delivered in person or virtually from the comfort of your own home.  As fiduciaries, we help you stay on track with your investment and financial goals and make recommendations that are always in your best interest.  If we can help you gain clarity on your financial future, feel free to visit our website or reach out to us to schedule a call.  We look forward to hearing from you.